Monday 27th April 2020


If you are a parent from Rabbit Class and this is not your first visit to this website, please click here to jump to today’shome teaching section’.

If this is your first visit to this website site, please read the next few paragraphs to familiarise yourself with the setup and function of this website.

This is a template blog post in which I share the daily adult led input normally delivered to the children in my reception class.

In this blog post there is a phonics input, a sentence writing input and a maths input; please see the relevant section below).

The wording of this blog post will be the same every day, with only the ‘teaching input’ content changing. This will allow me to post quicker, with less typos and allow regular visitors to become familiar with the structure so they can focus on delivering the content to the children in their care.

The goal of this website is to inform, rather than entertain adults, so they can support the progress of the children.

Please note, I have created this website as this information doesn’t easily fit on Class Dojo, the normal platform I use to communicate with the parents of the children in my class. This means that the content posted is based on my class’s needs and current place in our curriculum.

Parents outside of Rabbit Class are more than welcome to use this content to support their children learning at home, however I will not be taking requests to create specific videos. The children of Rabbit class are my priority.

It might be worth reading the pages ‘a guide to using this website’, ‘copyright infringement’ and ‘resources’.

The home teaching section:


This term we are recapping all of the phase 3 program.

Today we are learning about ‘y’. Here is a 1 minute overview of the sound. It is designed to be used as a reference guide for parents on the correct sound pronunciation and letter formation. I have previously posted this on Class Dojo.

Following on from the above, here is today’s session. This is a reading based session, however the children will need something to write with and on to practice letter formation.

This video is based on a presentation from Twinkl.

If you are interested in finding out more about our phonics teaching strategy, please click here.

Sentence Writing

Today’s sentence should be ‘The yak has big horns.”. Please ask the children to remind you of the three things we need for a sentence – a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.

Image taken from here.

Ideas for a phonically decodable extra sentence the children could attempt to write with support from you and their sound mats are:

The yak has long hair.

The yak has brown fur.

The the yak is on the grass.


This week we are focusing on combining numbers (addition). For today’s session you will need a pack of playing cards (cards Ace to 10) and two sets of 10 pegs.

Thank you as always for your support.

Please email any comments, questions or feedback to receptionroy [at]

Mr Vullo

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